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Finding Other Ways To Make Contact With Your Children

Our Indirect Contact Service offers parents and secondary caregivers the opportunity to use our phones or laptops to telephone, face time, skype or write, create letters, cards or other creative forms of appropriate communication that can be relayed to the child/ren and keep in touch with them.


Indirect contact may also include e-mails, as well as sending child/ren gifts.

There may be a requirement in an order for a named person to pass the communications onto the child/ren and for them to encourage the children to respond.


There may also be a requirement for that named person to send school reports, photographs and medical information to the person having indirect contact. 


Indirect contact can help to reassure the child/ren that the non-resident parent has not abandoned them and continues to love them. Indirect contact may also serve as a stepping- stone towards establishing direct contact.


If direct contact cannot be created, there should be indirect contact so that the child grows up fully aware of the love, attention and interest of the absent parent despite communication being received remotely.



ACC General Opening times:  Monday – Friday:  10am – 6pm. Saturdays: 09:00am - 3:00pm.



ACC Team:

ACC Coordinator/Team Leader:  Christian Dixon

ACC Administrator:  Ben Franklin

Tel: 01384 211168



Please feel free to contact us either by telephone or email. We will endeavour to respond to all calls and emails within two working days.


ACC Governing Team:

Chair: Neil Allen

Secretary: Julie Nettleship



01384 211168

© 2021 by A C C / Dudley Accredited Children's Contact Centre. 

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